Best honey tasting in Athens

Group Honey Tasting in Athens countryside: Learn from the Experts

Imagine being able to distinguish between different types of honey, pinpointing their strengths and weaknesses like a pro. This is a skill anyone can learn and master with the right guidance. All it takes is a skilled taster to show you the ropes and some practice in describing the unique aromas and flavors. And let’s face it, it’s a sweet activity for everyone!

Our honeyed visitors

Honeys ready to be savored

Recently, we hosted an introductory honey tasting seminar for a group of visitors in a stunning location in Vravrona, Attica. Picture this: a magical estate surrounded by lavender, rosemary, oregano, thyme, citrus trees, and various Mediterranean plants, all encircling a historic Athenian vineyard, just a stone's throw from the Vravrona Tower.

Our guest house is a dream country yard
next to Athens International Airport

We kicked things off with an introduction to the fascinating world of bees and the honey-making process, both from the bees' perspective and the beekeeper's. Then, we delved into how professionals taste and evaluate honey samples of each variety.

Each participant had their own sample and a detailed description form to capture the color, aroma, texture, and aftertaste intensity of each honey. This turned out to be the trickiest part: how do you put into words the scent of orange blossom honey, arbutus, pine, or oak honey?

So, if you’re ready to embark on a delicious journey and sharpen your honey tasting skills, join us next time and become a honey connoisseur!

The discussions and questions were endless: What's the best honey? Is thyme honey the king of Greek honeys? Why does honey crystallize? How do I tell good honey from adulterated honey? How do I properly liquefy crystallized honey? Which cheese pairs best with each honey variety?

We certainly learned a lot, and all the participants were thrilled with the entire experience. After the diploma ceremony (yes, we had one!), we set a date for winter for an even more specialized seminar. This next session will include blind honey tasting, blend comparison tests, and more sweet adventures!

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